Reporting on Natural Health since1998
NEWS - FDA calls industry's bluff on
product safety

Acting on a petition filed June 14, 2004 by the Environmental Working Group
(EWG), on February 3, 2005 the Food and Drug Administration issued an
unprecedented warning to the cosmetics industry stating that the Agency is
serious about enforcing the law requiring companies to inform consumers that
personal care products have not been safety tested.
Allergy Overloadwill eisner photo
will eisner publication
Are the foods you're eating, combined with chemicals causing
unexplained symptoms? Doctors treat you with drugs for the symptoms and more
often than not exacerbate the problems . Body toxicity is a serious cause for
concern if allergic and intolerant responses are being experienced. Excellent
in-depth article on this perplexing subject.
Toxic Effects: Very serious concerns exist about the problems this
chemical has caused for so many people - from irregular heartbeat to MS type
symptoms and muscle twitching to seizures in susceptible people. Get the facts!
on aspartame from an "Architect" ?

Being Poisoned in the Womb - Shocking confirmation reported by
the Daily Mail our unborn babies are being subjected to high levels of toxic
chemicals at the time that they are most vulnerable. Think carefully before
exposing yourself to toxic chemicals no matter where they occur

Baby Food Contains
- CANCER Alert! Research has shown for
years that semicarbazide is a DNA disrupter and a potent carcinogen - found in
disturbingly high levels in all screw top glass jar baby food and almost all
other bottled products! Latest findings.

- Potent Cancer Causing Chemical in Soft Drinks -
In a very limited sample of products, FDA found two popular drinks—Safeway Diet
Orange and Crystal Light Sunrise Classic Orange—with 17 times more benzene than
allowed in tap water, and six other products with benzene at levels two to four
times the drinking water limit. Many other products had detectable levels of the

Breast Milk Contaminated with
Toxic Chemicals - Flame retardant chemicals used in industry and in the
environment and on our clothes and our furniture are adding substantially to the
chemical bodyload of everyone in Western countries. Like it or not your body is
contaminated with these insidious chemicals. Our future is jeopardized by
poisoning our most vulnerable citizens with contaminated breast milk
direct from our own contaminated bodies. It is a disaster in the making! A
recent study found "We detected
them in the body of every participant, regardless of their occupation, diet, or
Opportunity Organic Industry
- Join the fast growing organic industry by starting your own home based
business. New MLM and Network Marketing opportunity. 100% synthetic chemical
free products certified organic by USDA Organic - ACO - JAS - BFA
Cancer Reports Ten FREE email reports on the role toxic chemicals
in our toiletries and environment play with the onset of cancer and how to
protect ourselves. Sensitive information we cannot publish on
this website. Vested interests don't want you to know what is in these reports.
100% Organic: What does this really mean and can you trust manufacturers
when they say their products are "natural" and "organic". The cynics amongst us
are totally justified in the criticism of the cosmetic industry's loose
interpretation of the words "natural" and "organic"!
Children and Toxic Chemicals - What is the real price we are paying for
chemicals. The price is much more than just than skin deep!

and Our Unsafe Planet - Dr. Blair
has over 20 years of experience when it comes to understanding and helping
children with various life challenges. Formerly a Senior Supervising Pediatric
Clinical Psychologist at Boston Children's Hospital in Developmental-Behavioral
Pediatrics and an Associate in the Department of Medicine and the Department of
Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, she has evaluated and treated thousands of
children from around the country and the world with a range of developmental,
behavioral, medical, neurological, and psychological issues

Chemical Assault on a Species
- Proof has existed for fifty years chemicals are causing dramatic increases in
cancer and other degenerative disease. Read this startling report on the effects
of chemicals on the Korean veterans and the Gulf War Veterans. Shocking
revelations about the cover ups by governments and giant corporations alike.
Condoms May Poison You: Toxic Benzene and other toxic lubricants are
finding their way into the bodies of victims and causing immune system
dysfunction. Millions could be affected!
Cosmetic Regulations: "With the exception of colour additives and a few
prohibited ingredients, a cosmetic manufacturer may, on his own responsibility,
use essentially any raw material as a cosmetic ingredient and market the product
without approval."
Eczema An expose of how
chemicals play a major role in the onset of eczema in children and now even
adults aren't immune from developing chemical instigated eczema.

Dr Samuel Epstein, MD., emeritus
Professor of Occupational and Environmental Medicine University of Illinois and
Chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition, is an internationally recognised
authority on the causes and prevention of cancer... Read more about his work and
background. CLICK HERE
Draconian Action Against Australian Natural Health Supplements: Is this
the end of our freedom as we know it? Our freedom to choose how we look after
our health. The action taken by Australian regulators will have irreversible
repercussions throughout the world. YOU must stand up for your rights!
in Tap Water Causing Bone Cancer in
Boys: A disturbing new
study indicates that
boys exposed to fluoride between the ages of five and
10 will suffer an increased rate (up to 100% increase over
boys growing up in non fluoridated areas) of osteosarcoma - bone
cancer - between the ages of 10 and 19.
Toxic embalming chemical in YOUR bubble bath, shampoo and cosmetics!
Glutathione - Debunking the
Myths: Many scientific studies have been undertaken on the
body's master antioxidant, glutathione. Read why supplements containing
glutathione simply do not work and are an expensive con.
Low Carbohydrate - More Protein - Moderate
What are the facts about diets laced with carbohydrates and how do they impact
on our health. Debunking the myths associated with meat and fat!

MCS - Multiple Chemical Sensitivity:
- MCS sufferers are having a war waged against them by giant corporations with
millions in funding to discredit MCS sufferers by calling these disabled people
malingerers. Where is the justice in this world?
HRT The Indisputable Facts -

CANCER Alert "In
all, 637 women died of breast cancer during the study. Women on HRT are twice as
likely to die of breast cancer!"
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Makeup - Are Toxic Chemicals Hiding in
Your Makeup -
News item from EWG Environmental Working Group. The
EWG have put together an extremely comprehensive database of over 10,000
chemicals found in makeup and rank them on a scale of 1 to 10 for carcinogens
and toxic effects. Everyone should read this wonderful website.
Make-up - Are your cosmetics killing you -
You may change your mind about using hyped up
alphabet soup chemicals on your skin after reading this report. The synthetic
chemicals used in make-up are very largely unregulated giving the cosmetic and
beauty industry free reign to make billions of dollars in profit.
Minerals - How essential are trace elements in our diet?
Comprehensive report on how to get the best from your mineral supplements. Are
they really essential?
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity MCS a 21st century disease... A Dilemma
for doctors. Many medical doctors dismiss MCS as a
non-existent syndrome and refer severely affected patients for psychiatric
treatment. A typical blinkered medical approach is found on "Quack Watch" which
is a website supported by vested interests and the medical fraternity who deny
chemicals have any effects on our health. Its about time these guys woke up to
the disservice they are doing to the hundreds of thousands of people who are
suffering from MCS. Perhaps they wont believe it until it catches up with them
or one of their loved ones!
Natural Skin Care Nowhere does the word "natural" take a more gratuitous
bruising than in the skin care industry. What does "natural" really mean? - The
hype put out by skin care product manufacturers is vastly different to what the
real meaning of natural is.
Drug Mark Ups of 30,000% Common. This report will make the average
reader very angry when they realise just how little it costs to produce these
"necessary" drugs which are prescribed to millions on a daily basis. No wonder
the drug and chemical companies have so much power!
Parabens Breast Cancer Scare -
CANCER Alert Toxic chemicals from underarm deodorants and
other cosmetics can build up inside the body, according to a
recent UK study. Parabens found in the tissue of
breast cancer tumours from every sample tested. Cosmetic industry leaders say
the chemical is "safe"
PCBs - Horror Chemicals -
CANCER Alert Carcinogenic chemicals banned 27 years ago now
showing up in farmed salmon at 100 times the safe limit! Eat Wild Alaskan
Salmon to be safe.
- Petroleum Jelly -
CANCER Alert Among
the studies linking the petrolatum impurity PAHs to breast cancer is a Columbia
University study in which researchers found that the breast tissue of women with
breast cancer was 2.6 times more likely to contain elevated levels of PAHs bound
to DNA (called DNA adducts) than the breast tissue of women without breast
cancer (Rundle et al. 2000). Serious questions need to be answered over the
safety of petrolatum or petroleum jelly as it is more commonly known.
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- Gender bending and cancer causing dibutyl phthalate - toxic chemical
extraordinaire - common ingredient in hair sprays and cosmetics.
"every single one of the 289 persons tested for the plasticizer
phthalate (DBP) had the compound in their bodies."
Environmental Working Group - In depth
Polluted Toxic Chemical Bodies "WHEN MICHAEL
LERNER volunteered to give blood and urine samples to medical researchers they
found his body polluted with 101 industrial toxins and penetrated by elevated
levels of arsenic and mercury".
Within -
Modern chemistry keeps insects from
ravaging crops, lifts stains from carpets, and saves lives. But the ubiquity of
chemicals is taking a toll. Many of the compounds absorbed by the body stay
there for years—and fears about their health effects are growing.will anne eisner
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In depth report by David
Ewing Duncan - National Geographic Magazine Oct 2006
Prescription drugs - Those reviewed and approved by the FDA --
contribute to 100,000 U.S. deaths each year.
Propylene Glycol -
Brake fluid/anti-freeze in YOUR skin care. Why are industrial users of
this chemical warned to use protective clothing and and rubber gloves if the
chemical is safe on your skin? Check your toothpaste and skin care products NOW!
- A comprehensive look into the field of probiotics and the role they play in
overcoming serious disorders such as Crohn's disease and IBS (Irritable Bowel
Syndrome). You have heard of antibiotics, which simply means against life. -
Consider probiotics FOR LIFE. Here at the Health-Report website we can recommend
just one Probiotic formula. The Probiotics formula is fully certified organic by
the USDA and contains not one or two beneficial strains of bacteria but 13
beneficial strains in total plus an incredible array of phytonutrients, minerals
and amino acids and is the result of 20 years of extensive research. This unique
and highly effective USDA Certified Organic formula is without parallel
in the world and is giving amazing results for people with low levels of good
bacteria in their gut. This report should be compulsive reading for anyone with
Crohn's disease, IBS or suffering with Candida Albicans infestation.
UK Info
- An in depth look at psoriasis and the causes. The role toxic chemicals play
and the role of trace elements and minerals in the diet.
Saturated Fats - Age Old Proven
Health Benefits - Saturated fats have played an exceedingly important
role in fighting disease in past populations as our ancestors evolved. Read why
lack of saturated fat is one of the prime reasons modern populations are
suffering obesity and disease like never before.
Sodium Chloride - Good Old Salt - It is a very misinformed doctor
or nutritionist that would suggest eliminating salt will reduce blood pressure
or help to prevent heart disease. De-bunking the myths about the great salt
mystery! Sensible sea salt intake extends life and may prevent many diseases!
Sodium Lauryl Sulphate/Sulfate)
degreaser in YOUR
toothpaste and shampoo! SLS is often claimed
by vested interests to be derived from natural fatty acids found in the coconut.
Let's spare the coconut's reputation. There is nothing natural or safe about
Cell Research - Embryonic Stem cells are constantly in the news lately.
However, stimulating adult stem cells already residing in bone marrow to
proliferate may be a a major medical breakthrough in the treatment of disease
and maintaining wellness as we age.
Tap Water... How Safe is it? -
Other than the chemicals that we purposely put in our water supply, we also end
up with plenty of chemicals from pesticides, herbicides and fuel additives in
our drinking water.
Toxic Household Chemicals - We are being exposed to ever
increasing levels of toxic chemicals in everyday household products. In
many cases the manufacturer isn't even required to list the ingredients
on the label, so you have no idea what you are exposing yourself and
your loved ones to. This is cause for very serious concern! It is only
YOU who can actually make a difference in YOUR life and in the life of
YOUR loved ones. Read more about this ever increasing risk of
contracting cancer which we are all facing.
Toxic Ingredients Directory - A
comprehensive listing of common potentially harmful synthetic chemicals found in
personal care products, skin care and cosmetics. See how many of these common
synthetic chemicals you can find in your products
Toxic Ingredient Sleuth: What exactly does the hype mean on the bottle
of shampoo or the tube of skin moisturiser. What do they mean by "natural"? You
may be surprised to learn that a manufacturers definition of natural is vastly
different to what you probably think it is!
Toxic Toiletries -
Chemicals in our toiletries may be contributing greatly to the huge increase in
cancer and other metabolic diseases.
Oil Culprit in Blindness - It's spreading like a disease – a blindness
called macular degeneration affecting at least 800,000 Australians and costing
$1.5 billion per year in health care. God alone knows how many people are
affected throughout "developed" countries.
Why We Cannot Trust Vested Interests Although the vast majority of
company directors are decent and honourable people the system they are locked
into, forces them to make decisions
to protect company profit and to avoid being sued by shareholders,
which could be completely against their own principles. Find out the truth about
vested interests!
New Zealand
MLM Opportunity
"E-mail to a friend"

Vested interests do not
want you to know how to treat or cure yourself of metabolic disease.
Manufacturers of palliative drugs are not interested in finding a cure for
anything, nor do they want doctors to tell their patients about natural
treatment regimes! If vested interests did find a cure for a
particular problem then in all likelihood the drug would be astronomically
expensive or it would not be marketed. This is the way profit driven
corporations operate.
Read more about the reasons this happens
Prevention is far better than a cure!
A balanced approach to natural holistic health is the first requisite.
Eliminate chemicals and use organic products and produce if at all possible
and you will find most of the troublesome metabolic diseases that we are
plagued by in our Western cultures, including cancer and heart disease, can
be prevented from happening in the first place. Often the body can reverse
disease conditions if everything is in place and the body can draw on the
support it needs. However, there is no such thing as a cure for cancer or
any other immune system disorder for that matter. The body can recover
from virtually any disease provided it can draw on what it needs. This means
you may need to supplement with bio-available minerals and phyto-nutrients. |
Fortunately for the
enlightened people amongst us, a Holistic approach to Natural Health and
nutrition will give any "body" the opportunity to heal and correct all
underlying problems - thereby preventing metabolic disease taking hold in the
first place.
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